(SIX13 RECORDS) There are times in our lives when we are visited by Angels.
They stay for a while and we often fall in love with them.
Sometimes they fly away.
Sometimes they die
All songs written & recorded by Hakeem Alexander except VENT which is an improvised, multi-track production.
Track List
- Can’t Believe I’m Crying (instrumental) from Rooted Calm
- Changing Flowers (acoustic / vocals) from “Lay My Heart to Rest“
- Lay My Heart to Rest (acoustic / vocals) from “Lay My Heart to Rest“
- WithOut Love (guitar / drums / vocal) from “i was this“
- Wraine (instrumental) from Rooted Calm
- HAunted (acoustic / vocals) from “The Garden of Eternal Love” [single]
- VENT (instrumental) from Rooted Calm
Angels Lying Dead
#SIX13RECORDS #HypnoAthletics #SwordPaper #ExercisingYourMind #KappaGuerra #UniquilibriuM #MuseOn8th #HakeemAlexander #PhysioMeditation #AcrimoniuM #Metaphysics #Hypnosis #Money #Wealth #Riches #Power #Fame #REdCOiNStudios #LunarPhase #MoonPhase #MoonCycle #Numerology
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