Alfa D K Collection by Flor Elizabeth Carrasco & M C Narcissist

(SIX13 RECORDS | REd COiN Studios)

DownLoad Source: Flor Elizabeth Carrasco & Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander aka M.C. Narcissist produced this collection of beats and instrumentals with a few vocal elements between August 23rd and September 17th 2016. It is called “Alfa D.K.” A few tracks incorporate samples from the popular TV shows Supernatural and Z-Nation.

“Gold Magnet” was produced with another collection in 2019. Find the track “Gold Magnet” on Amazon with a few other tracks on the album “REd COiN”

About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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