Ralien Camp Presents: GETUNINZ and AREPO O WUN

Listen to music produced, performed, and recorded by “aliens” learning human vocal patterns by using singing as a linguistic and cultural integration exercise.

Ralien Camp Organization [RCO]


A lot of people are unaware that there is a non-human being, military-like civilization that is currently working on a take-over of the human race by integrating their genetics with humans; thereby creating HumAliens as some have called them.

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These are Human-Alien Hybrids.

However, they are psychologically loyal to their non-human creators, even though they are part human.

One of the main ways that these non-human warriors facilitate the ease of integrating their “alien” DNA into humans, is through the control of biotechnology companies like The Moon-Saint, who genetically engineer food crops that are eaten by humans.

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These Genetically Modified Foods contain micro-organisms and other nano-particles that were created to make it easier to hack into human DNA for the hybrid program.

“As a nonprofit, non-political, non-human organization, the RCO is now, and always will be, about our troops. Wherever and whenever they go, the RCO will be there, until every one takes over the Earth.”

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About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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