PharmacoEugenics: Drug Induced Genocide

Drug Induced Genocide


The science of pharmacogenomics has figured out that not everyone metabolizes drugs in the same way. Duh?!

But that is just what we let you, the dumb-ass public believe.

we have authority, one-upsmanship, and all kinds of other hypnotic
modalities on our side, you will believe anything big-sister says.

Or whatever big-brother says too.

But we have already known for years what the human genome product has produced.

have already been to every planet in the solar system, traveled to
different galaxies, exploded planets and manipulated entire stars to
create pulsar communication systems and quasar tachyon travel bridges.

all that, and the photo-invisibility cloaks, tandem teleportation
modules, chameleophlage shape-shiften skins, cybrid and chimera
technologies; of course we figured out the human genetic code!

Genocide by violence is so played out bro. Think about this: If we can get the C.I.A. to go bananas and overthrow the elected government of Guatemala over some fruit, what else do we have in store?

Yeah. Chiquita Banana. They sell ’em at Starbucks to you fucken dorks! Ha ha ha ha haaaaa!

Edward Bernays got an elected government to be trashed by the United States for monkey food.

in the same way that monoculture makes people forget that there are
blue, purple, orange, black, brown , red and green bananas, so they make
you think that one type of cow and chicken will do.

Over 93-percent of the animals you eat on Earth are all just a bunch of inbred live-stock. No diversity.

this is only so we can ship it and have it still look pretty. There is
no thought given to how nutritious it will be. Only so that we can take
your money for it.

there is a dual component to all of this. Selective genocide. Based on
an ancient genetic model we have using to enslave and control the human
species for a very long time.

To use the dumbed down version, which you probably still wont understand, I shall turn to pharmacogenentics.

There are four basic metabolizing types of people. Extensive, slow, poor and ultra.

Extensive metabolizers
are the ones who have the genetic make-up which allows a pharmaceutical
product to metabolize in a way that offers maximum therapeutic effect
and minimal adverse effects.

Slow metabolizers
take a little longer to process the pharamceutical. So therapy is
slower but so is elimination and the bad side effects increase a little.

Poor metabolizers have big problems with process and elimination and have more adverse or bad effects with little or no therapeutic effect.

Ultra metaboliers just chew up and spit the pharma products out and have no therapeutic effect but no bad effects either.

the lab it was figured out pretty early on that all we had to do was
make the drug design suit the genes or our royal blood-lines.

body else would have problems with the products we created and slowly
be diseased out of existence with no further research required.

The same testing and eugenic elimination that applies to pharmaceutical products was also applied to food science.

Why do you think there is a Food AND Drug Administration?

The same goes for fuels and household products and appliances and cell-phone frequencies and other electromagnetic bandwidth.

The planets atmosphere has been scientifically designed to support the life of those we have elected to the real class.

else will suffer the effects of their maladapted genes and work for the
fake money we create to pay back to use in the hope that we will cure
your diseases and ailments.

Why do you think there are some people who never seem to get sick no matter what is plaguing their neighbors?

our slaves, live on a planet that has been designed from the individual
atoms all the way out to the furthest star through our technology to
make us strong and keep you weak.

You are like sea moneys in a cosmic petting zoo.

Where we have manufactured your consent and created your desires and beliefs you think you have free-choice and free will.

And so long as you continue to drink the flouridated water
and allow mercury to fill your teeth; as long as you tolerate chemical
pesticides and genetic engineering you will remain captive.

‘So long as we can pollute the skies with carbon waste and crowd the atmosphere with mind-numbing and brain tumor forming electronic smog, you stay in bondage.

you will never escape because you were born to serve and then die. So
eat the food and drink the fucking cool-aid with the artificial colors
and flavors.

when you get sick from all this shit, by all means, go to the doctor.
And be sure to demand the latest and the best “medicines” that pharma
has to offer.

They sure are medicines. Because they are curing the Royal Class of having to do the hive work that you do for us.

Oh yes, and remember to get your children vaccinated and to put on your sunblock for Christ’s sake!

use in allowing your body to make use of those photons to make
vitamin-D. Heaven forbid you use the yellow Sun like Kal-El and become a
SuperWoman or a SuperMan.

Fuck that!

and nanotechnology are the shit! Take your medicine. Forget all that
conspiracy theory stuff. Those guys are fucken wack jobs.

There is no such thing as drug induced genocide or PharmacoEugenics.

About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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