Powerful Soul (Audio and Lyrics) By Alien at Home

Powerful Soul (Audio and Lyrics) By Alien at Home

Strong Heart.
Powerful Heart.
Strong Body, Strong Mind, Powerful Soul.

Strong Heart.
Powerful Heart.
Strong Body, Strong Mind, Powerful Soul.
Powerful Soul.

Who-ooo to be…

Rain… Glowing embers
Fighting demon storms…
As the chorus sings
Pulling heart strings
No freedom rings
No freedom rings
But break through it
You break through
Break through it
Break through…

Your Strong Heart.
Powerful Heart.
Strong Body, Strong Mind, Powerful Soul.

Strong Heart.
Powerful Heart.
Strong Body, Strong Mind, Powerful Soul.
The sea real
Lovely days
Tormented in the flames of rage…

Strong Heart.
Powerful Heart.
Strong Body, Strong Mind, Powerful Soul………
Powerful Soul…..
Soul. Soul…

AngelFlower Christine.
You are the most Powerful Soul I know.
Thank you for being.
I Love You, Christine.

About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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