Introducing PENS: Painfully Embarrassing Narcissist Studios With M.C. Narcissist

(SIX13 RECORDS) Allegedly I am a narcissist, and presumably, there is nothing I can do to remedy this. So now I will continue to use the Moniker M.C. Narcissist for all things dealing with my voice as a Master of Ceremonies, speaker, vocalist and what have you.

And in addition to REd COiN Studios, I will use the name PENS which is an acronym for Painfully Embarrassing Narcissist Studios. Because apparently, since I am a terrible singer, and a horrible musician, I have no business creating the art that I enjoy, or calling myself an artist – since it is embarrassing to people who are associated with me.

It doesn’t matter. I will continue to subject the world to my pathetic, home-grown productions. Enjoy the cringe-worthy show. Below are some examples. Get your popcorn, or whatever and have a good laugh at my expense.

About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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