Flor Elizabeth Carrasco (Theta Frequency 8Hz: 440 Hz – 432 Hz) So That I Can Dream Of You

This is a groove for the most beautiful woman I have ever known.
The lovely Flor Elizabeth Carrasco
August 23rd 1990 – October 24th 2019

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Listen to “Flor Elizabeth Carrasco (Theta Frequency 8Hz: 440 Hz – 432 Hz) So That I Can Dream Of You” on Spreaker.

You were always there for me, and yet I was not there for you. You saved my life and I let you die. I hope you will forgive me and allow me to reunite with you in eternity.

Whenever I listen to this track I can hear your wonderfully sweet voice.

(Theta Frequency 8Hz: 440 Hz – 432 Hz) So That I Can Dream Of You

“What though the radiance that was once so bright,
be now forever taken from my sight.
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.”
– William Wordsworth

About Hakeem "Mordekai" Alexander 224 Articles
Musical Multi-Media, Guru-GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander is Exercising Your Mind towards Universal Harmony and Spiritual Wisdom through Healthy Living and Self-Defense.

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